Friday, November 01, 2019 6pm – 11pm
SATURDAY, November 02, 2019 12pm – 6pm
at Buntport Theater
717 Lilpan St, denver, co 80204
$10 or pay what you can. No one turned away.
facebook event page is here
What happens when the goal is purposefully frivolous?
A look into systems that divert traditional objectives and explore the concept of difficulty to challenge the industry.

Artist: alienmelon
Title: GOGOFISH! (REDUX) 🐟🔥 GOTD Edition
It is the desolate year 20xx and civilization crumbled, taking humanity and water, with it.
In a desperate attempt to survive, fish had to adapt to the new desert like conditions and became more than mere fish. They became Gogofish.
After defeating the salmon, Gogofish soon claimed the title of Apex Predator over the apocalyptic plains. Gogofish transcend, Gogofish are resilient, Gogofish survive… but only if they learn to fly.
Origin: USA
Year: 20XX

Artist: Amanda Hudgins
Title: Centenntable
Are your fighting game needs not currently being met by those simple 6 button fight sticks? Do you need a few more buttons in your life? Why not try out this game, which features over 100 buttons!
Origin: USA
Year: 2017

Artist: bearwarp
Title: Bluster Blunder
Bluster Blunder is an absurdist racing game using modified Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges that players blow into to advance their character. The visual source material was generated with a circuit bent NES console.
Origin: USA
Year: 2019

Artist: Catherine Fox
Title: Pet That Dog!
This little game was inspired by the delightful minigames of the hit visual novel, Dream Daddy. My goal was to create a bite-sized experience of pure delight. And what could be more delightful than petting dogs?
I made Pet That Dog! as a challenge to myself; I often overscope my projects and eventually abandon them as a result, but modeling Pet That Dog! after an existing game gave me a strict blueprint to adhere to, and helped me deliver the experience I was going for.
Enjoy, and tell your dog I said hi!
Origin: USA
Year: 2019

Artist: Corey Bertelsen, Dennis Carr, Jenna Galka, Milan Koerner-Safrata, Longxiao Li, Shiyun “Vanilla” Liu
Title: Six Games In One Simultaneous Mega Pack
[Shoot] fly pickup jump go find [from] your elements around to all [the] space in the the of [toilet] craft your world bank the ball sprites until you are content.
Use WASD, your mouse, and space bar.
Note that there is no end state, we just keep dancing forever.
Origin: USA
Year: 2017

Artist: David Czarnowski
Title: Chasing Birds
Chasing Birds is a relaxing, exploration game with no set objective. Explore the dog park by running around, barking, chasing birds or just take some time to lay down and relax
Origin: Toronto, Canada
Year: 2017

Artist: Juno Morrow
Title: Mastering Tedium
Mastering Tedium is a tongue-in-cheek laundry simulator. A traditional text adventure in the spirit of games such as ZORK (1980), Mastering Tedium uses the regular chore of laundry to juxtapose life’s necessity of action with the futility and impermanence of acting for those aware of their own mortality. Mastering Tedium draws upon the prose of Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa and his musings on the tedium of everyday life.
Excerpt from Fernando Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet:
It is said that tedium is a disease of the idle or that it attacks only those who have nothing to do. But this ailment of the soul is in fact more subtle: it attacks people who are predisposed to it and those who work or who pretend they work (which in this case comes down to the same thing) are less apt to be spared than the truly idle.
Nothing is worse than the contrast between the natural splendour of the inner life, with its natural Indias and its unexplored lands and the squalor […] of life’s daily routine. And tedium is more oppressive when there’s not the excuse of idleness. The tedium of those who strive hard is the worst of all.
Tedium is not the disease of being bored because there’s nothing to do, but the more serious disease of feeling that there’s nothing worth doing.
Origin: Toronto, Canada
Year: 2014

Artist: Matthew Keff
Title: Pie in the Sky
Pie in the Sky smooshes together sandbox, painting, and coin-clicker gameplay into a weird dream world filled to the top with neon color and fanfare. It is a game(?) where collectibles are mixed up in a rhythm reminiscent of a carnival, traffic jam or social media feed. Many design decisions made in mobile games and advertisements use reward patterns to inspire engagement. Pie in the Sky puts these mechanics into overdrive considering for better or worse, how they are used to trigger emotional responses. Sugary iconography and characters are floating and bandied around, they smile, laugh and cry. Hearts, stars, fruit, skulls, clouds, coins, beach balls and more. Sound effects are triggered at random to create chance-melody. The player interacts via controllers to make, paint and collect items which gain points.
Origin: USA
Year: 2018

Artist:Mouse & the Billionaire
Title: Buy! Sell!
Buy! Sell! is a multi-player stock trading game that uses analog telephones as game controllers. Watch an ever-changing, overly complicated terminal full of charts, graphs and breaking news and make split second decisions to buy or sell stocks like, pizza, candy and gold. Shout “Buy!” or “Sell!” into your phone before your competitors do. The player with the largest portfolio at the end of the trading day wins.
Origin: USA
Year: 2019

Artist:Paloma Dawkins and Kyler Kelly with distribution by KO-Op
Title: Gardnearium
A chill adventure in the sky
Origin: Canada, MTL
Year: 2016

Artist: Seemingly Pointless
Title: eCheeze Zone
Cowabunga cheese freaks! Do you like long wait times? Reading rules? Harsh punishments? We have good news for you! The eCheese Zone is a crowd punishment party game. Make new friends as you collectively struggle to follow basic directions! Becoming a point of communal gathering, you only have so many hours to win before the game shuts itself off, leaving you and everyone else itching for the next gathering to try again. Are you a big enough cheese fan to beat… the eCheese Zone?
Origin: USA
Year: 2018 (WIP)

Artist: Stephen Gillmurphy
Title: 50 Short Games
A collection of trivial games, each made in a day, over Autumn and Winter of 2012.
Origin: Ireland
Year: 2012-13

Developers | Steven Harmon & Christie Xu
Music | All music scored by Kejiun Wang
Usability Testing | Fiona Cahill & Noah Lee
Title: Post Hello
Post Hello is a 3rd person narrative adventure game about experiencing life from the eyes of a delivery-man searching for fulfillment. It’s a game about dropping off packages that delivers on sincerity. We wanted to make something sincere in a market saturated by cynicism.
Origin: USA
Year: 2019

Terry Cavanagh
Title: Constellation
just type stuff
Origin: Ireland
Year: 2017